History Of Marijuana
In the beginning... a brief history lesson....
Cannabis is one of the oldest medicines known.
During the middle ages,
And in 1850, Marijuana is Added to US Pharmacopeia….
In the 1930s, pharmacies were prescribing marijuana extracts as medicine. In 1942 Marijuana is removed from the pharmacopeia and the prohibition of marijuana has begun. By 1970 Congress passed the Controlled Substance Act and classified Marijuana to have “no applied medicinal use.” In 1971 Nixon declared War on Drugs and in 1973 The DEA is established classifying marijuana as a class 1 controlled substance.
Since 1972 NORML has been petitioning to reschedule as a class 2, so Dr’s can prescribe once again.
Interestingly it was not until the 1990’s that scientists first discovered cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoid. This brings us to our current day, we have come full circle, almost. Surprisingly, the prohibition of alcohol lasted only 13 years, while the prohibition of marijuana is 60 years and counting…